backyard prefab office shed, MacBook Pro near green potted plant on table

Prefab Office Shed – Essential Space Planning Guide

The modern workspace is constantly changing. As a result, ‘backyard offices’ or ‘prefab office sheds’ have become a popular choice for professionals working from home. These offices provide a quiet, dedicated space for remote workers in the comfort of their own backyard studio shed.

If you are remote working, consider a prefab backyard office. Before installing, ensure there is enough space for your office shed. This is an important factor to consider. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you assess your requirements accurately. Check out our Work-INshed model.

Determining the Size of the Prefab Office Shed

Firstly, consider the interior dimensions of your potential home office shed. This will depend largely on the nature of your work and the space you need to perform your tasks comfortably.

Backyard office Prefab sheds typically start at 8’x10′ (80 square feet). This size is ideal for a one-person office. It can fit a desk, chair, and some storage. 

Consider a larger size backyard home office if your work involves extensive materials or equipment. Additionally, if you expect to have clients or colleagues visiting, a larger size may be more suitable. Sizes such as 10’x12′ (120 square feet) or 12’x16′ (192 square feet) may be more suitable. For reference, a general rule is to allow at least 125-150 square feet per person for workspace.

Remember to account for extra furniture or amenities when choosing your prefab office shed. These could include bookshelves, a coffee maker or a small lounge area for breaks.

Space for Installation and Maintenance around Prefab Office Shed

Beyond the footprint of the home office shed, you must also account for space around it for installation and ongoing maintenance. The space you will need can change by the method of installation. In some circumstances, access to the installation site may be limiting. In this case, you must use a crane to lift and place the prefab shed. See more on our frequently asked questions page. 

Cranes are often used for larger prefab sheds. This is especially true when the installation site isn’t easily accessible. For example, if the shed needs to be placed behind a house or other structure. It’s also useful when the delivery truck cannot get close enough to the installation site obstacles.

Discuss this with your shed provider early. They may be able to suggest alternative solutions. They may even provide a package deal that includes installation.

As you can see, the installation method can significantly impact the space required for your prefab office shed. Assess your property thoroughly. Discuss the installation process with your shed provider. This will help you avoid unexpected complications or costs.

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Regulations and Setbacks for Prefab Office Shed

The placement of your office shed will also be subject to local zoning laws and homeowners association (HOA) rules. Common regulations include rules on the maximum size of accessory structures. These structures must be placed in relation to property lines, also known as setbacks. Additionally, regulations also specify the total percentage of your property that can be covered by structures.

Sheds must usually be placed a certain distance away from property lines and other structures. However, distances vary depending on local laws. These setback distances ensure that fire cannot easily spread between structures and that there is enough space for maintenance and repairs.

Prefab office sheds are appealing to homeowners due to their lower cost. This cost savings, in comparison to a traditional home addition, is further enhanced by fewer regulations. However, it’s crucial not to skip this step, even if the cost savings are substantial. Failing to obtain a required permit can result in fines and the need to remove the shed.

Before purchasing your prefab shed, make sure to research these local regulations or consult a professional. It is important to understand the rules in your area. Doing so can help you avoid costly mistakes. Additionally, it will ensure your new office shed is compliant with all relevant rules and regulations.

Access and Utilities required for Prefab Office Shed

Access to your backyard office shed and connection to utilities is another crucial aspect to consider. The path from your house to the shed should be clear and easy to navigate. This is especially important if you plan to use the shed in all weather conditions. 

When it comes to landscaping, creating a walkway can be both practical and aesthetically pleasing. Choose a path for your property that suits your personal style. Options include gravel, stepping stones, concrete pavers, or a wooden boardwalk.

Keep the path well-lit for safety, using outdoor lighting fixtures or solar-powered path lights. Consider the ease of snow removal if you live in a colder climate. 

Planning to use electricity, heating, or cooling in your backyard office shed? Make sure it is within a reasonable distance of utilities.

Electrical service to sheds is commonly provided by a 50-amp breaker and dedicated circuit. This can usually power lights, outlets, and modest heating or air conditioning. Consult with an electrician or contractor if you have more extensive needs, or if you plan on adding plumbing. This will ensure you have adequate service.

In conclusion, providing access and utilities to your office shed involves more than just the physical placement of the structure. It requires considering your landscape, planning for electricity needs, and ensuring everything aligns with safety standards and local building codes. With these steps, you can create a functional and welcoming workspace right in your backyard.

Future Expansion to consider for Prefab Office Shed

Lastly, as you plan your prefab office shed, it’s wise to consider potential future expansions. Having the option to expand offers flexibility and long-term value. This applies regardless of whether your business could grow, your needs change, or you have other uses for the space.

Begin by checking the size of your shed. Make sure it does not exceed the amount of area permitted by local regulations. This will leave room for extending your shed or adding additional structures, if permissible.

It is also advisable to leave some space around your shed. This allows for potential expansion in the future. Do not place the shed in a corner or against a boundary, as this would not allow for expansion.

Choose a shed style or manufacturer that allows for easy additions to the existing structure. This will help to ensure the shed’s design meets your needs. Some prefab shed designs are modular, allowing for sections to be added or removed as needed. This could be a useful feature if your space needs are likely to change.

Plan the interior of your shed carefully. Consider a layout that is easy to reconfigure or add new sections to. This will certainly give you more flexibility in the future.

Storage and less essential items can be placed along walls. This way, an extension can be added in the future without having to move permanent fixtures.


In conclusion, planning for your prefab office shed involves considering not just your immediate needs, but also potential future requirements. With a careful strategy and a little foresight, your office shed can provide a flexible, adaptable workspace for years to come.

Ready to start planning? Visit today to explore a wide variety of prefab office sheds, designed with your needs in mind. Our team is here to help guide you every step of the way, from initial planning to installation and beyond.

Don’t wait to create the workspace you’ve been dreaming of. Start your journey with INshed today, and shape your future workspace to perfection. Learn more about us here

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